Saturday, August 3, 2013


Today our sweet little boy turned 1 year old! I don't what we were celebrating; the fact that Jackson made it through this year, or that Jeff and I did! One year ago, our lives changed and never could we have expected what being parents would be like. But let me tell you, as hard as it is sometimes, there is absolutely nothing better in the world! I love the quote, "a child fills a hole in your heart you never knew was empty."  That is exactly how I feel.  Although sometimes I long for more one on one time with Jeff, I cannot imagine my life without our little Ikaika. He has lived up to his name this last year and really been a strength to our family.

Jackson Kamakana-Ikaika Hume
7lbs 10oz 

The last year has been a huge struggle for us, but Jackson has been our light and strength.  He is very patient and has taught both of us to be patient. He is very stubborn, just like Mommy and Daddy. Some things that I just love about our little guy:
-He loves to laugh and make others laugh
-He loves to read
-Has lots of energy and is always moving, but also loves to get some cuddle time in
-Loves his puppy dogs
-Points at everything and always waves at people when we are in line at the grocery
-His hair!
-Has almost 6 teeth
-He takes life at his own pace and doesn't rush things
-He loves Mommy and Daddy

Cool things he's doing now:
-Standing on his own
-Walking if he's holding onto one of our fingers
-Eating: he eats like a champ even though he is still nursing...a lot. But he likes almost every food we give him, except for the chocolate cake today. Jackson loves avocados, sweet potatoes, bananas, and so many other good and healthy foods.
-Signing: We've been trying to teach him to sign and the only one he does consistently is more. It's cute because sometimes he'll grab our hands and make us do the sign. He also sometimes says milk and all done.
-Talking: His favorite word to say is dog and dad. Every four-legged animal he sees, he calls it a dog. He only says Mom or Mama if he really wants me; like in the middle of the night to get him out of the crib or if he is hungry. He has just recently started saying Boo, short for Boomer, our puppy.
-Reading: He loves to sit down and read with me. And don't you try and turn the pages, that's his job! 
-Dancing: He loves music, whether it's dancing along or drumming along

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the last year

I can't wait to see what the next year holds for us. It will be so fun seeing Jackson continue to grow and develop. Being a mother is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but looking at this little boy makes every single minute worth it. I am eternally grateful for the gift I have been given to be a mother. I love my little Ikaika so much. Happy First Birthday son! Mommy and Daddy love you more than you will ever know!